40+ Elegant Boys Bedroom Ideas That You Must Try

Don’t let the mess fool you. Piles of toys, clothes, and garbage scattered everywhere don’t change the fact that it is a total myth that boys don’t care about how their bedrooms look. The truth is, boys take just as much pride as girls do in how their room looks and feels, and how well it represents their unique individuality. With that in mind, this article presents practical ideas for decorating boys rooms in a way that gives them the sense of comfort and pride they crave and makes them feel truly at home in their home.

Even more than a bed, the single furniture item that boys desire the most is a comfortable place to sit, be it a couch, a futon, a chair, etc. For watching TV, playing video games, reading, coloring, studying, or just relaxing, a boy needs a throne of some sort to call his very own. Here looks are secondary to comfort.

Comfort and convenience both, in fact, play larger roles in a boy’s world in general than how something looks. And in line with creating convenience in your boy’s bedroom, great consideration should be given to storage, particularly the kind of storage that displays objects, like shelves. Boys are proud of the things they own – their trophies, CDs and books, and favorite toys, for example – and they like to see them standing out in their immediate environment (and you just thought his stuff was scattered everywhere because he’s lazy). Build into your boy’s bedroom design ample shelving so he can display his most treasured items prominently.

Favorite hidden storage spaces for boys include chests, creating the mystique of hidden treasure, and drawers beneath their beds, allowing boys easy access to some of their favorite items – comic books, for example – without having to leave the comfort of their bed.

One easy way to accomplish all of the aforementioned objectives in one fell swoop is to purchase a custom theme bed that has comfortable seating and ample storage built in. And not only can custom theme beds for boys include display cases, shelves, drawers, closets, and dressers, as well as soft, plush, comfy seating options, but they can also be designed to include a second bed (in the form of bunk beds or stowaway Murphy beds), even a desk of some sort.

As for decorating boys rooms walls, you can leave this mostly up to your boy himself. Pick a simple color he likes for the basic background, and then create easy ways for him to hang, remove, and rearrange whatever pictures, posters, banners, pendants, and other hang-able memorabilia that interests him at the time. The freedom to change up the items decorating his walls will give him a real sense of ownership and help fuel his budding creativity.
